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After having completed my first around the world sup challenge (November 2013) I started to think about a bigger challenge. I discussed with my parents about the possibility of doing a tour from Abu Dhabi to Dubai. A distance of 100 km. To begin with, we realized that I probably needed 3-4 months of preparation and training. Therefore, we would face March or April 2014 before it would be possible. I discussed the idea with Tati (Tati Coco SUP) and she agreed to join and also coach me and help me getting ready.


We set the target to mid April, 2014. Knowing that the heat and humidity would play an enourmous challenge - we decided to split the race up in to four legs and did target to paddle around 4-5 hours a day for 4 days. We also had to get started around 3-4am in order to avoid the burning sun.


The temperature ranged between 30-35 degrees and the humidity was close to 50 pct.


Above please click the slideshow and see some of the amazing photos from the tour. We managed to complete the tour in 4 days. It was hot, humid, dark and especially on day 3 we had fairly big waves and a lot of wind.


But I made it!


I will always look back on this as a major achivement. I was only 11 years old and it taught me a lot about willpower and the possibility to push my limits. I will always be thankful to Tati for her relentless motivation and the fact that she helped me through this challenge. 

A big thanks to my parents (Thomas and Mette), sponsors, middleeast and tati coco SUP. 



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